Sometimes novice users are experiencing problems with the registration of the Z397WEB converter in the GuardSaaS.
In this case, we recommend to check the following items:
1) you are registering converter on the page
Other addresses do not belong to our system.
2) either the converter is connected to the Internet at the time of registration , and is turned on
3) If you get an error message "Invalid serial number converter " or " converter with this number does not exist in the system," it means that it is necessary to fix the factory settings.
Easiest way this can be done on the page
There will need the serial number and password, and then, on the next page select GuardSaaS as a system, with which it will work.
After that, you can register converter on the page
If the method fails, try to manually configure the converter.
To do this , disconnect the converter from the network and connect it via USB cable to the computer.
You should see a new drive with the file CONFIG.CFG on it.
Open this file with notepad and correct line in the section:
PORT = 80
PATH = /data.php
Following sections are also important for network connection:
USE_DHCP=1 (or 0, then IP address will be static)
After that, remove the device properly from USB, pre-clicking "remove" in the system tray or conductor.
Now connect the converter to the network and try to register it again.
4) Make sure that the correct password is typed.
It must match the entry in the documentation supplied with the converter .
If, however, it is impossible to register the converter, please contact our support team :